- 乒乓球拍問題, 我想買塊球拍送比朋友, 技術已不錯的, 想問
- 急~~3(3G)流動數據既收費!!@1@
- Given that 10^a=3
- 1950年12月30日申時的命理運程如何-_0
- 10~13歲的人應該睡眠多少個小時-@1@
- 乒乓球拍問題, 我想買塊球拍送比朋友, 技術已不錯的, 想問
- 急~~3(3G)流動數據既收費!!@1@
- Given that 10^a=3
- 1950年12月30日申時的命理運程如何-_0
- 10~13歲的人應該睡眠多少個小時-@1@
10歲的網球拍最少要多少錢?????我弟弟要 第2我see有25寸的good球拍199元你說給錢不給錢??? 更新: good球拍169都有
10歲都係用成人網球拍 大陸就會平D,香港就貴D 新手拍都係200-300左 199$可以俾$買啦
10歲要大人拍好的.....他夠力的. 但打球的form要做好的....要不是用錯力...會傷|||||again, (in the same market) 一分錢一分貨. as far as i know, the best under 27" kid's racket maybe the HEAD Instinct 26"... (Good quality) 26" Prince Shark is kind of Stiff i guess, and hence very powerful. 25" Prince Diablo (Jr) could be a good one too. just a bit light as the kid grows up. but they are from $350 up. quality is definitely better than those $1xx i don't think kids should use very light racket, just like we adults shouldn't. IMO, kids should use shorter (23"-26" according to body height and muscle) but not too light rackets, unless they are playing ligher version of balls (like mini-tennis, soft tennis) Age 9/10 could consider 25"-26", although some age 11-12 learning from the pros may be using even a 27.5" racket.|||||大約用$175-300