請問: 1 . 怎麽可以download/買 Flash? 2. 怎麽做Flash(網頁,遊戲等等)?
Answer the question 1: You can go to the following website to take a trial of Adobe Flash https://www.adobe.com/cfusion/tdrc/index.cfm?product=flash&promoid=BPALA&loc=zh_tw http://www.adobe.com/tw/ http://www.adobe.com/ Answer the question 2: ########################## Flash can not make any HTML. ########################## Flash can do the high quality graphic design,it import Adobe? Photoshop? (PSD) and Adobe Illustrator? (AI) files, while preserving layers and structure, and then edit them in Adobe Flash? CS3 Professional. Optimize and customize the files during import with advanced options. ########################### How to use Flash to make game? ########################### If flash only have graphic design,and some frame,it can't say it's "Flash"(Future Splash),in the first version of Flash,it called FutureSplash Animator,it already have graphic design,but it have a script of action in this program,it called "Action Script",AS. Now,AS in Adobe Flash CS3 hava many new feature,we use it to make GAMES,PLAYER,QUESTION,LESSONS......The Adobe Flash CS3 's AS version is 3. Now the newest Flash Version is Adobe Flash CS4 BETA. The following is AS 's version list. Actions Script 1 For example: this.onrelease=function() { startDrag ("ScrollBar", true, 523, 85, 523, 325); down=true; } Actions Script 2(from this version,all verion after this will only on the frame) Actions Script 3 Actions Script 4