what is corporate & business level strategy ?
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請問乜?係"corporate-level strategy" and "Business-level strategy" 請各位幫幫忙 thanks,
Corporate-level strategy is the high level strategy which is above that of the business units. It considers how the corporate headquarters may add value to the business units. It is about - acquiring new business and selling under-performing business - the extent of diversification of the business (e.g. Hutchison Whampoa - retail, telecommunication, container logistics, property development, hospitality) Business-level strategy is the strategy which is normally made among the business units themselves. It considers how to sustain competitive advantages through - pricing - products (e.g. what products in what market?) - product differentiation (high price for quality products, e.g. CSL 1010) - the lock-in of customers (e.g. I have to buy Microsoft Office because every computer runs on Microsoft Windows) In other words, business-level strategies are marketing strategies.